Above all, what I learned from Forensics, especially in Serdang…
Lesson #1
You need not be a fierce, arrogant, egoistic, bigheaded person swollen with pride to be called a BOSS. You need not humiliate, underestimate, degrade, put down or disgrace everyone else around you to become a LEADER. You need not yell, shout or ‘bark’ at those working under your supervision once you become a PROFESSOR or a CONSULTANT. You can still be humble, nice, friendly, soft-spoken, and you can even drink and make jokes with your fellow colleagues, but still be a respected, appreciated, well-loved, BIG BOSS.
Lesson #2
Allah can take our lives anytime, anywhere, without any warning, without any sign. He has innumerable ways of ending the lives of His slaves. One minute you may be well and healthy, driving your car to a friend’s place, or back from your college.. The next thing you know, you are already in a different world altogether, a ‘world’ with no means of turning back. No more chance to perform taubat, ibadah, or good deeds as much as you possibly can. No more opportunity to apologize to the people whom you are guilty towards. No longer able to settle unpaid debts, no more chance to repent over the countless mistakes and sins you may have repeatedly done. We do not know the manner of our death, dan di bumi mana kita akan mati. We can only pray that Allah will grant us with husnul Khatimah, while trying our best to achieve it, insyaALLAH..
Lesson #3
Suicidal attempts are quite common rupanya, we had 3 suicidal cases in a week. 2 of them were Chinese, another was Malay, but schizophrenic. Any form of depression, stress or sorrow, if we do not return and humble ourselves to our Creator and seek for help and solution from Him, anyone can end up taking his or her own life to leave the world and the problems in it behind. Tp kita sebagai org Islam, kita kan ada Allah, and the simplest way to put it, like they say, a man who kneels in front of Allah and gantungkan segala harapan kpd Dia, can stand up in front of anything… Instead of saying "Oh Allah, I have a big problem", why not we say "Oh big problem, I have Allah".. Apa2 pun yang terjadi, gembira atau sedih, musibah atau nikmat, kembalilah pada Allah…
Lesson #4
Most of the suicidal and murder cases, were believed to have a relation with WOMEN based on the suggestive histories. Even the 1st murder case ever recorded in this world, Qabil who killed Habil, was also due to women factor. Rasulullah S.A.W. pun pernah bersabda, "Tidaklah aku tinggalkan fitnah yang lebih besar bagi kaum lelaki melebihi fitnah wanita” (HR Bukhari dan Muslim). Lelaki, berhati-hatilah. Wanita, usahalah dan jagalah diri, jangan sampai diri kita menjadi fitnah buat mereka…
Lesson #5
I heard before, the concept of tawakkal can be likened to a mayat yg dimandikan oleh pengurus jenazah, the body is incapable of doing anything, hanya berserah bulat2 pada si pemandi mayat… Amru Khalid ckp salah satu anologi tawakkal ibarat kepasrahan hati di hadapan Allah sebagaimana pasrahnya mayat di hadapan org yg memandikannya. Macamana org yg memandikan mayat membolak-balik tubut mayat seenaknya. Begitulah kita katakan pd Allah, "Ya Allah, lakukanlah semua yg Kau kehendaki, aku pasrah dan redha dgn apa yang Kau lakukan terhadapku, aku bertawakkal padaMu, kerana aku yakin Kau tidak akan sesekali menjerumuskanku menuju kemudharatan".. Tapi tak bermakna kita tak perlu usaha, ya..
Lesson #6
Bila tengok mayat, terdetik dalam hati, “Wahai arwah, aku jua insyaAllah akan menyusulmu suatu hari nanti…”
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